Ideal Day

Describe my ideal day? Swing for the fences, I say.

Before I even awake, I have a lucid, life-affirming dream that puts me in an excellent mood. I wake up refreshed, having slept the sleep of youth.

The smell of freshly-brewed coffee awakens my senses and I make my way to the kitchen. Amazingly, I don’t have to pee right away, so I savor my coffee while watching the sun rise and enjoy a cheese danish. It doesn’t add any calories to my ass and my blood-sugar doesn’t spike.

I make my way to the bathroom. Fresh, white linens and a robe have been laid out for my shower. I find that my lousy skin has, miraculously, overnight, healed itself and looks better than I ever remember it looking; no lesions, no brown spots, no wrinkles. I still look my age, but just much, much better.

After I’ve dried myself, I discover a change of fine, linen clothes and new shoes lying on the bed – they’re extremely stylish and comfortable. There’s a note attached to the garment bag. Turns out I’ve won the lottery. It’s not a billion, but plenty enough that I and my family no longer have to work – rather, we can pursue outside interests at will without worrying. There’s enough to pay off the house with plenty to survive on in my golden years. Gone are the daily fears of homelessness, penury and rage. I won’t be eaten by voracious, unfettered vultures after all.

I call for a ride to the airport because I’ve decided that, as a treat for myself, I want to take a jet to Europe, simply because I’ve never been. I call ahead to make special accommodations which I’m assured will be ready by the time I reach the private airport nearby. During the long flight, I enjoy playing a number of vintage guitars through amp simulators included in the laptop studio provided for me. It includes a DAW if I feel like recording anything. There’s a charcuterie board of imported meats, cheeses, olives and exotic jams and dips to snack on, paired with the perfect blended red wine. The pilots regale me with stories of celebrities and bands they’ve carted all over the world. Eventually I take a nap. Again, I sleep the sleep of children.

When I awake, we’ve landing in Zurich. A car awaits and takes me to a museum in Küsnacht. It’s Carl Jung’s house – but the museum is closed! Boo! My guides say not to worry and assure me they’ve planned a night I’m not likely to forget any time soon. We head for Davos! Turns out the World Economic Forum is in progress and there’s a number of “Bunga-Bunga” parties designed for elite debauchery. If I’m cool and promise not to kiss and tell about world leaders, celebrities and captains of industry indulging, they can get me in.

When I’ve had my fill of drugs, booze, and beautiful women, I insult some narcissistic asshole who desperately needs a reality check when it comes to working people and walk out feeling triumphant. A beautiful but age-appropriate woman laughs at the spectacle and leaves with me. We retire to a Chalet with a few bottles of champagne and nature takes its course. I explain it’s been a while for me, due to my wife being asexual and all. She’s lovely about it. I’m elated and fully invigorated. We retire to an impossibly large and cushy bed. I eat her alive, metaphorically speaking. Oh, how I miss that.

I awake the next morning with my kidneys intact. Whew!

Sounds like a day. Ha ha.

Daily writing prompt
Describe your most ideal day from beginning to end.

One comment

  1. sudrakarma · February 5

    It’s nice you included your family. I decided to be entirely fantastic and selfish for my ideal day. 😳😁


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